DevOps Certification Training Course

Enrolled: 34 students
Duration: 40 hours
Lectures: 16
Video: Get Recorded Video
Level: Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

EduLearnIT’s DevOps training program will provide you with in-depth knowledge of various DevOps tools, including Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Grafana. This DevOps certification course is entirely hands-on and designed in a way to help you become a certified practitioner through best practices in Continuous Development, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, and finally, Continuous Monitoring of software throughout its development life cycle.

Starting Course

Overview of DevOps


In this module, you will be introduced to the DevOps environment.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Understand the benefits of DevOps over other software development processes
  • Gain insights into the DevOps environment
  • Get an overview of different DevOps Tools
  • Get a picture of the working of the DevOps Delivery Pipeline


  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Benefits of working in a DevOps environment Preview
  • DevOps Lifecycle
  • DevOps Stages
  • DevOps Delivery Pipeline
Version Control with Git


In this module, you will gain insights into Source Control Management and learn the functionalities of Git.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Understand Version Control
  • Perform management of files for small as well as large projects
  • Perform various Git commands such as git add, git fetch, git commit, git init, etc.
  • Work with remote repositories


  • Version Control Preview
  • Git Introduction Preview
  • Git Installation
  • Commonly used commands in Git
  • Working with Remote repository

Hands On:

  • Git Common Commands
  • Working with Remote Repository

Git, Jenkins & Maven Integration


In this module, you will learn about the different actions performed through Git and will be introduced to Jenkins and Maven.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to:
  • Execute branching and merging operations
  • Perform various Git commands
  • Understand Maven Architecture and dependencies
  • Learn about Continuous Integration & its importance
  • Understand Jenkins and its features


  • Branching and merging in Git Preview
  • Merge Conflicts
  • Stashing, Rebasing, Reverting and Resetting
  • Git Workflows
  • Introduction to Maven
  • Maven Architecture
  • Introduction to Continuous Integration
  • Introduction to Jenkins Preview

Hands On:

  • Branching and Merging
  • Merge Conflicts
  • Stashing, Rebasing, Reverting, and Reseting
  • Configuring Maven
Continuous Integration using Jenkins


In this module, learn how to perform Continuous Integration by building applications with the help of Maven and create deployment pipelines using Jenkins.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Managing authorization in Jenkins
  • Jenkins notification management
  • Master-slave architecture in Jenkins
  • Add a slave node to Jenkins master
  • Build and deploy codes using Jenkins
  • Build pipeline plugin in Jenkins
  • Use Declarative pipeline in Jenkins


  • Jenkins Architecture
  • Plugin Management in Jenkins Preview
  • Jenkins Security Management
  • Notification in Jenkins
  • Jenkins Master-slave architecture
  • Jenkins Delivery Pipeline
  • Jenkins Declarative pipeline

Hands On:

  • Create pipeline view using DevCompile and QAUnitTest
  • Adding Slave node in Jenkins
  • Build Pipeline project using Groovy script
Configuration Management Using Ansible


Learn how to manage and configure your infrastructure using Ansible Ad-Hoc commands, Playbooks, and Roles.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Utilize Ansible CLI
  • Execute Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands for one-off tasks
  • Automate host servers using Ansible Playbooks
  • Use Variables in Playbooks
  • Using Handlers


  • Introduction to Configuration Management
  • Infrastucture as Code
  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Ansible Architecture
  • Inventory Management
  • Ansible Modules
  • AD-HOC Commands
  • Ansible Playbooks Preview
  • Ansible Roles

Hands On:

  • Ad-Hoc Commands
  • Running a Simple Playbook
  • Using Variables and handlers
  • Using Ansible Roles
Containerization using Docker Part – I


This module introduces learners to the core concepts and technology behind Docker. Learn in detail about containers and various operations performed on them.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Understand Containerization
  • Learn the evolution of virtualization to containers
  • Understand the Docker Architecture
  • Perform Various actions using Docker CLI
  • Bind container ports to the Machine ports
  • Run containers in different modes
  • Write and build a Dockerfile to create a Docker Image


  • Containerization Preview
  • Namespaces
  • Docker
  • Docker Architecture
  • Container Lifecycle
  • Docker CLI
  • Port Binding
  • Detached and Foreground Mode
  • Dockerfile
  • Dockerfile Instructions
  • Docker Image

Hands On:

  • Docker CLI Commands
  • Port Binding
  • Starting Containers in Different Modes
  • Writing a Dockerfile to Create an Image
Containerization using Docker Part – II


Learn how to use Docker Hub registry, deploy a multi-tier application using Docker Compose, and create a swarm cluster.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Use Docker Hub to store custom Images
  • Store data in Container Volumes for persistent storage
  • Setup Docker Compose
  • Deploy a multi-container application using Docker Compose
  • Deploy a Swarm Cluster


  • Docker Registry
  • Container Storage
  • Volumes
  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Swarm Preview

Hands On:

  • Setting up Docker Hub
  • Docker Volumes
  • Installing Docker Compose
  • Installing a Multi-Container Application using Compose
  • Running Docker in Swarm Mode
Orchestration using Kubernetes Part – I


In this module, you will learn about Container Orchestration and Basic of container management using Kubernetes.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Understand Container Orchestration
  • Learn about Kubernetes Core Concept
  • Deploy Pods
  • Create Deployments to manage Pods
  • Launch DaemonSets for Background applications
  • Update and Rollback your Deployments
  • Scale your containerized Applications


  • Introduction to Container Orchestration
  • Kubernetes Core Concepts
  • Understanding Pods
  • ReplicaSet and Replication Controller
  • Deployments Preview
  • DaemonSets
  • Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
  • Scaling Application

Hands On:

  • Kubectl Common Commands
  • Deployments
  • DaemonSets
  • Rolling-update and Rollbacks
  • Scaling in Kubernetes
Orchestration using Kubernetes Part – II


Learn and deploy different service discovery mechanisms, utilize Volumes for persistent storage and deploy StatefulSets for stateful applications.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Deploy different Kubernetes Services
  • Utilize Volumes to store Persistent Data
  • Create Persistent Volume Claims to attach volumes to Pods
  • Understand Persistent Volume Claims Primitives
  • Use Headless Services in Stateful Sets
  • Deploy Helm Charts


  • Services
  • Persistent Storage in Kubernetes
  • Primitives for PersistentVolumeClaims
  • Secrets and ConfigMaps
  • Headless Services
  • StatefulSets
  • Helm Charts

Hands On:

  • Deploying Services
  • Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
  • StatefulSets
  • ConfigMaps and Secrets
  • Helm Charts
Monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana


In this module, you will learn how to collect, monitor, and visualize data using Prometheus and Grafana.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Understand Continuous Monitoring
  • Use Prometheus to monitor services
  • Create an alerting mechanism using Prometheus
  • Deploy Grafana dashboards to visualize data
  • Integrate Prometheus and Grafana to monitor a full pipeline


  • Introduction to Prometheus and Grafana
  • Prometheus and Grafana Setup
  • Monitoring using Prometheus
  • Dashboard Visualization using Grafana
  • Creating a Dashboard to monitor the Pipeline

Hands On:

  • Monitoring Service using Prometheus
  • Alerting using Prometheus
  • Grafana Dashboards
  • Monitoring a Pipeline
Provisioning using Terraform Part – I


Learn how to provision and manage infrastructure on a Cloud Platform (AWS) using Terraform Configuration Files.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Understand Provisioning using Terraform
  • Learn the Difference between Terraform vs Ansible
  • Understand Terraform Architecture
  • Deploy a Terraform Configuration File
  • Use Basic Terraform Commands
  • Manage Terraform Resources


  • Introduction to Terraform
  • Terraform vs Ansible
  • Terraform Architecture
  • Terraform Configuration
  • Terraform Common Commands
  • Managing Terraform Resources

Hands On:

  • Setting Up AWS and Terraform
  • Executing a Terraform Configuration
  • Managing Terraform Resources
  • Referencing Terraform Resources
Provisioning using Terraform Part – II


Use Terraform State commands to manage the current state of your infrastructure. Deploy a fully usable and working infrastructure using Terraform.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Perform Terraform State Commands
  • Deploy a Terraform Project on AWS


  • Terraform State
  • Terraform Project
  • Hands On:
  • Terraform State Commands
  • Terraform Project


In this module, you will learn about selenium and how to automate your test cases for testing web elements. You will also get introduced to X-Path, TestNG and integrate Selenium with Jenkins.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Learn and install Selenium
  • Create Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver
  • Utilize X-Path and TestNG to locate elements
  • Execute code on several browsers using Selenium suite of tools
  • Integrate Selenium with Jenkins


  • Introduction to Selenium
  • Why Selenium?
  • Selenium – Webdriver Preview
  • Creating Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver (Waits)
  • What and why X-Path
  • Handling different controls on Webpage
  • Framework in Selenium
  • Selenium Integration with Jenkins
  • Implementation of Selenium in the Edureka’s Project


  • Installing Selenium
  • Creating Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver
  • Integrating Selenium with Jenkins


Learn how to continuously monitor your tasks using various plugins and implementing Nagios Commands


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Operate Continuous Monitoring tools
  • Use various plugins and objects associated with Nagios
  • Implement Nagios commands


  • Introduction to Continuous Monitoring
  • Introduction to Nagios
  • Installing Nagios Preview
  • Nagios Plugins(NRPE) and Objects
  • Nagios Commands and Notification


  • Installing Nagios
  • Monitoring of different servers using Nagios
DevOps on Cloud


Learn about various cloud services and service providers, also get the brief idea of how to implement DevOps using AWS.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Understand about cloud and its advantages
  • Learn about Various cloud computing services
  • Get an idea of how to implement DevOps using AWS


  • Why Cloud?
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing Preview
  • Why DevOps on Cloud?
  • Introduction to AWS
  • Various AWS services
  • DevOps using AWS


Get a brief idea of how Security and EC2 Compute service works in AWS Cloud.


  • After completing this module, you should be able to
  • Describe AWS Global Infrastructure and its Benefits
  • Sign-up an AWS free-tier account
  • Work with AWS Management Console and AWS CLI
  • Work with IAM Service
  • Understand Virtualization
  • Work with EC2
  • Analyze various EC2 box configurations available


  • Virtualization
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Benefits of AWS
  • AWS Global Infrastructure
  • AWS: IAM
  • Components of IAM
  • Managing users with IAM
  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  • Security Groups in AWS
  • Virtualization
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Its Benefits
  • Networking components associated with EC2
  • Instance Store


  • Signing up for a Free Tier Account with AWS
  • Creating New User to Log in to AWS Management Console
  • Creating Policies for New User to Have All Admin or Limited Privileges
  • Different Approaches to connect to an EC2 instance
  • Creating a Custom AMI
  • Host your Website Inside your EC2 Instance
  • To Attach EFS Volume to an EC2 Instance
  • Login to AWS Console via MFA
This DevOps training course is designed keeping in mind the latest trends in the industry. The course focuses on creating a strong base for various DevOps tools including Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes, Prometheus and Grafana, and Terraform. The training is completely hands-on oriented and designed in a way that will help you in becoming a certified practitioner by providing you an intensified training for the best practices about Continuous Development, Continuous Testing, Configuration Management, including Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment and finally Continuous Monitoring of the software throughout its development life cycle.
This DevOps training course is specifically designed for: • Individuals looking to establish their credibility and value in the market as experienced DevOps Practitioners • System Administrators • Cloud Professionals Solutions Architects Infrastructure Architects Site Reliability Engineers Technical Leads Software Engineers Freshers
Upon completion of the DevOps training course, you will be able to: Understand the DevOps Process and Lifecycle Manage and keep a track of different versions of the source code using GIT Use Jenkins and maven to build the application and integrate the CI/CD Pipeline Manage your infrastructure using Ansible Build and Deploy containers using Docker Orchestrate your containerized environment with Kubernetes Monitor and visualize your environment using Prometheus and Grafana Provision new infrastructure using Terraform
Any Scripting Language Knowledge Linux Fundamentals

DevOps is a vast course. So, If you are quite new to this, here is list of pre-requisites you must start with:

  1. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting
  2. Python
DevOps Certification Training Course