SpringBoot-Microservices Certification Training Course

Enrolled: 34 students
Duration: 40 hours
Lectures: 18
Video: Get Recorded Video
Level: Instructor-Led Training (ILT)

EduLearnIT’s SpringBoot-Microservices training program will provide you with in-depth knowledge of various SpringBoot-Microservices tools, including SpringBoot Features, Microservices Features, Discovery Server, API Gateway, ServiceBus etc. This SpringBoot-Microservices certification course is entirely hands-on and designed in a way to help you become a certified practitioner through best practices in Web development life cycle.

Starting Course

Introduction To Spring Boot

Goal: In this module, you will be introduced to the Spring Boot.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • Understand the benefits of Spring Boot over other software development processes
  • Gain insights into the Spring Boot environment
  • Difference Between Spring ,Spring MVC and Spring Boot
  • Get a picture of the architecture of the Spring Boot


  • Spring Boot Tutorial
  • Spring Boot Version
  • Spring Vs Spring Boot Vs Spring MVC
  • SPring Boot Architecture
Installation of Spring Boot

Goal: In this module, you will gain insights into development of the Hello World Application Using Spring Boot.


After completing this module, you should be able to

  • Develop Hello World Using Spring Initializr
  • Develop Hello World Using Spring CLI
  • Develop Hello World Using STS
  • Develop Hello World Using Eclipse


  • Hello World Using Eclipse
  • Hello World Using STS
  • Hello WorldSpring Initializr
  • Hello World Using Spring CLI

Hands On:

  • Hello WorldSpring Initializr
  • Hello World Using STS
Spring Boot Starters

Goal: In this module, you will learn about the different Starters dependencies in Spring Boot.


After completing this module, you should be able to:

  • Use of Starter Parent Dependency
  • Use of Starter Web Dependency
  • Use of Starter Data JPA Dependency
  • Use of Starter Actuator Dependency
  • Use of Starter Test Dependency


  • Starter Parent Dependency
  •  Starter Web Dependency
  • Starter Data JPA Dependency
  •  Starter Actuator Dependency
  • Starter Test Dependency

Hands On:

  • Starter Parent Dependency
  • Starter Web Dependency
  • Starter Actuator Dependency
Spring Boot Dependency Injection

Goal: In this module, you will learn about dependency injection concepts.


  • Discuss important  DI Spring Boot Annotations
  • Discuss Dependency Injection using Application property.
  • Discuss Autowiring concepts
  • Discuss Dependency Injection Management
  • Discuss Auto Configuration


  • DI Spring Boot Annotations
  • Dependency Injection using Application property.
  • Autowiring concepts
  •  Dependency Injection Managemen
  • Auto Configuration

Hands On:

  • DI Spring Boot Annotations
  • Dependency Injection using Application property.
  • Autowiring
Web Application Using Spring Boot

Goal: In this module,you will learn about development of web application using Spring Boot.


  • Learn to develop Spring Boot Web application
  • Learn about Spring Boot Thymeleaf View
  • Submission Form in Spring Boot


  • Introduction to Spring Boot Web application
  • Introduction about Spring Boot Thymeleaf View
  • Introduction to Submission Form in Spring Boot

Hands On:

  • Spring Boot Web application
  • Spring Boot Thymeleaf View
  • Submission Form in Spring Boot
Aspect Oriented Concepts(AOP) in Spring Boot

Goal: This module introduces learners to the concepts about AOP Module.


  • Usage of Spring Boot AOP.
  • Introduction about Aspect
  • Introduction to JoinPoint
  • Introduction to Poincut
  • Introduction to Advice
  • Introduction to Before,After,Around ,Returning and Throwing Advice.


  • Spring Boot AOP
  • Aspect
  • JoinPoint
  • Poincut
  • Advice
  • Before,After,Around ,Returning and Throwing Advice

Hands On:

  • Spring Boot AOP
  • Advice
  • Before,After,Around ,Returning and Throwing Advice
What is Rest API?

Goal: Learn how to use Spring Boot to develop  REST APIs.


  • Learn RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
  • Learn Exception Handling in REST API
  • Learn Validation Implementation in REST API
  • Learn Swagger Documentation
  • Learn Internationalization of RESTFUL Services


  • RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
  • Exception Handling in REST API
  • Validation Implementation in REST API
  • Swagger Documentation
  • Internationalization of RESTFUL Service

Hands On:

  • RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot
  • Swagger Documentation
Spring Boot JPA

Goal: In this module, you will learn about Database interaction using Spring Boot


  • Learn Spring Boot JPA
  • Learn about Spring Boot JDBC
  • Learn about inbuilt Database(h2)
  • Learn about CRUD Operations


  • Spring Boot JPA
  • Spring Boot JDBC
  • H2 Database
  • CRUD Operations

Hands On:

  • Spring Boot JPA
  • CRUD Operations
Spring Boot Security

Goal: Learn and build Spring Boot Security in web applications.


  • Introduction of Spring Boot Security 
  • Discussion of Spring Boot features
  • Learn about Login implementation using Spring Boot
  • Learn about Logout implementation using Spring Boot
  • Learn about Form Based Authentication


  • Spring Boot Security
  • Spring Boot features
  • Login implementation using Spring Boot
  • Logout implementation using Spring Boot
  • Form Based Authentication

Hands On:

  • Login implementation using Spring Boot
  • Logout implementation using Spring Boot
  • Form Based Authentication
Spring Boot Caching Concepts

Goal: In this module, you will learn how to implement caching using spring boot.


  • Implement First level Caching using Spring Boot
  • Learn About Cache Provider
  • Learn about Second Level Cache Provider
  • Learn about EH Caching.


  • First level Caching using Spring Boot
  • Learn About Cache Provider
  • Learn about Second Level Cache Provider
  • Learn about EH Caching.

Hands On:

  • First level Caching using Spring Boot
  • Second Level Cache Provider
Introduction to Microservices

Goal: Learn about Microservices features,advantages and challenges of Microservices


  • Learn about Features of  Microservices
  • Learn about Advantages and Disadvantages of Microservices
  • Learn about Microservices Architecture Challenges
  • Learn about Comparison to Service Oriented Architecture
  • Learn about Comparison to Monolithic Architecture


  • Features of  Microservices
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Microservices
  • Microservices Architecture Challenges
  • Comparison to Service Oriented Architecture
  •  Comparison to Monolithic Architecture

Hands On:

  • Comparison to Service Oriented Architecture
  •  Comparison to Monolithic Architecture
Microservices Components

Goal: In this module ,learn about various components of microservices.


  • Learn about Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Learn about Netflix Eureka Naming Server
  • Learn about Hystrix Server
  • Learn about NetFlix ZuulAPI Gateway Server
  • Learn about NetFlix Ribbon
  • Learn about Zipkin Distributed Tracing Server


  • Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Netflix Eureka Naming Server
  • Hystrix Server
  • NetFlix ZuulAPI Gateway Server
  • NetFlix Ribbon
  • Zipkin Distributed Tracing Server

Hands On:

  • Netflix Eureka Naming Server
  • Spring Cloud Config Server
  • Hystrix Server
  • NetFlix ZuulAPI Gateway Server
Development of Microservice Application

Goal: In this module, you will learn about creating a microservice application.


  • Learn about Creating a Microservice Application.
  • Learn about Spring Cloud Config Server set up.
  • Learn about Spring Cloud Config Server connection to Local Git repo.
  • Learn about Spring Data JPA Repo Creation.


  • Creating a Microservice Application.
  • Spring Cloud Config Server set up
  • Spring Cloud Config Server connection to Local Git repo.
  • Spring Data JPA Repo Creation.


  • Creating a Microservice Application.
  • Spring Cloud Config Server set up
  •  Spring Cloud Config Server connection to Local Git repo.
  •  Spring Data JPA Repo Creation.
Discovery Server Introduction Using Eureka

Goal: Get a brief idea of how Eureka server can be implemented for discovering the services.


  • Discussion on Eureka Discover Server
  • Integrating the Microservices using Eureka
  • Using Eureka and RIbbon to distribute calls


  • Eureka Discover Server
  • Microservices Integration using Eureka
  • Distribution of calls using Eureka and Ribbon


  • Eureka Discover Server
  • Microservices Integration using Eureka
  •  Distribution of calls using Eureka and Ribbon
Intoduction to API Gateway using Zuul


  • Discussion on API Gateway
  • Learn about Zuul API Gateway
  • Learn about Logging filter Implementation using Zuul
  • Request Execution using Zuul Gateway


  • Eureka Discover Server
  • Microservices Integration using Eureka
  • Distribution of calls using Eureka and Ribbon


  • Eureka Discover Serve
  • Microservices Integration using Eureka
  •  Distribution of calls using Eureka and Ribbon
Fault Tolerance and Resilience With Hystrix


  • Discussion on Tolerance and Resilience
  • Implementation using Hystrix Server


  • Tolerance and Resilience
  • Microservices Integration using Eureka
  • Distribution of calls using Eureka and Ribbon


  • Eureka Discover Server
  • Microservices Integration using Eureka
  •  Distribution of calls using Eureka and Ribbon
Miscellaneous Topics

Goal: Learn about Distributed Tracing,Rabbit MQ and Spring Cloud Bus.


  • Learn about Distributed Tracing
  • Learn about Rabbit MQ
  • Learn about Spring Cloud Bus


  •  Distributed Tracing
  •  Rabbit MQ
  • Spring Cloud Bus


  • Distributed tracing
  • Rabbit MQ
  •  Spring Cloud Bus
Interview Questions
This training course is designed keeping in mind the latest trends in the industry. The course focuses on creating a strong base for various SpringBoot -Microservices concepts including Spring Boot features,Microservices,Discovery Server,API Gateway,Hystrix etc.The training is completely hands-on oriented and designed in a way that will help you in becoming a certified practitioner by providing you an intensified training for the best practices about Web Development.
This Spring Boot-Microservices training course is specifically designed for: Individuals looking to establish their credibility and value in the market as experienced Web Developers. System Administrators Technical Leads Software Engineers Freshers
Upon completion of the Spring Boot-Microservices training course, you will be able to: Understand the various concepts in SpringBoot Understand the various concepts in Microservices Web Development using Spring boot and Microservices. Eureka Discovery Server Zuul API Gateway Fault Tolerance and Resilience using Hystrix.

SpringBoot-Microservices is a vast course. So, If you are quite new to this, here is list of pre-requisites you must start with:

  1. Java Programming Language
  2. Spring
SpringBoot-Microservices Certification Training Course